Parque Marino Isla Pingüino
Parque Marino Isla Pingüino
Ute and Stefan had checked the whole thing out in advance and Darwin Expediciones had gathered enough people to drive to Isla Pingüino.
To get to Porto Deseado, you turn off the RN3 somewhere in the middle of nowhere and drive 125 kilometres through the wasteland (Estepa in ES). Flat and monotonous. The police checkpoint in Tellier was the only kind of a highlight.
Being kind again, Porto Deseado is a functional small town. The 2 campsites were full with family parties and so I stood on the Rio Deseado opposite Isla Quiroga. Seagulls and penguins entertained me during dinner.
The next morning we set off at 8.00 am. I entered a 10-metre inflatable boat, wrapped up in thick layers, while the sun was shining and only ‘little’ wind. Roxana Goronas 👏 and Javier Fernández 👏 were our guides and did a great job

We watched dolphins (Commerson's dolphins on the outward journey and southern dolphins on the return journey) and saw an albatross. We stopped at a cormorant colony with 8,000 animals and drove to another Magellanic penguin colony.
We observed male sea lions on small offshore islands and then went ashore. Over the next 3 hours we were introduced to island life, history and wildlife by Roxana. We moved around the island without disturbing the penguins, sea lions and elephant seals.
Only skuas were bothered by our presence and attacked us. But it was no big deal. You raise a stick or arm over your head and then they don't peck you in the skull.
After 6 hours we were back again. I only fed the fish once, when we were dolphin watching in the sea in front of us. Even the stench of the guano on the island didn't bother me.
And here are some of the pictures. It takes a little longer to display the pictures the first time because I didn't compress the pictures as much as before.
The Stage

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Post Info
Date | Dec 2024 |
Status | Done / Visited |
Last updated | 16 December 2024 |
Page read | 158 |