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Initial Tour Ideas

Image by Marcus Reiser

Initial Tour Ideas

My journey to travel with a van started a few years ago with an off-road training and the idea of driving down the Pan Americana from Alaska to Patagonia. It was the  book and blog of Dan Grec who in one go inspired and scared me away.

I looked into the Trans-Siberian Highway however Russia first changed the Visa policy and thereafter decided to go into war. Considered a Caucasus tour via Turkey but again certain politicians or better their moves have put me off.

I am looking for years into Africa, followed VANLIFE in our La(n)dy OLGArafikiontourLazu The Blue and others. However with the war in Sudan and the fast changing political situations on the west coast I am not ready for this kind of an adventure. I admire people who did it and I am stunned that I see others doing it on a bike such as Wiebke Lühmann

And so I ended up in South America again. My plan is to start the tour in Buenos Aires in early October.

I'm not going to plan a more detailed tour. Roughly speaking, I know that I will be traveling from the harbor in Montevideo to Tierra del Fuego. I'm considering traveling along the RN40, with a few detours in Patagonia to the Atlantic.

In any case, from Punta Arenas I'm traveling north along the Andes, whether in Chile or Argentina and where and how many times to cross the borders is not sorted. The Torres del Paine National Park in southern Chile appeals to me, and there are endless possibilities between there and the northernmost point in Cartagena, Colombia. You can already see a few possible stops on the map.

While I was searching the Internet I found one website that details the most spectacular roads around the world. And I really like this 📈information📉

It remains to be seen whether I will ship back in Cartagena or return to Montevideo via Brazil and the Amazon. Maybe I'll go via Central America to the other end of the Panamericana

At the moment Furkot calculates roughly 30,000 kilometers for the trip. That probably explains why I'm looking at 9 - 12 months for the tour

Potential Stops

I already have a few stops in mind in South America

Over the last 2 months I started looking into Volcanoes in South America, Salt flats and wineries and the list of stops in South America got longer and longer

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Post Info

Start October 2024
In Progress
Last updated
07 January 2025
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