A lot went through my mind while driving through Poland
3 months on the road and covered more than 11'000 km. I've seen a lot and I'm still working through what I experienced.

When I looked at the next destinations on Furkot I realized that my tour should actually last another 12,000 km if I stick to my plan.
What I actually like are mountains or hills, hiking and exploring. The Romanian grain belt <from the Danube Delta to the Danube Gorge> was too flat, too monotonous, simply boring for me. On the other hand, the mountains in the Balkans were truly a discovery for me.
But I have a few kilometers ahead of me along the coast of the Baltic Sea and through Finland. Cities and culture alone don't do it for me, the beach is not my world. The 3 Baltic States do not exceed 100 m and Finland is known for its lakes, the highest mountain <Haltitunturi 1'324 m> is almost 3'000 km further north
In Poland and on Usedom I saw the start and the implications of the 2022 holiday season. It suddenly became busy and more commercial / expensive.
As an alternative to the east route, I considered taking the ferry to Sweden and drive on to Norway. All this went through my mind and I decided to take a break from vacation. No reason to rush 😎. Still 3 month to go 🥳
To enjoy what I have seen and to think about how I will spend the next 3 months of the sabbatical.
That's why I'm now driving home through East Germany and will relax for a few days at home.