I've been pondering what I should write about Slovakia for so long. On the one hand, that was because I hadn't been in the country long enough, but I didn't want to stay any longer either
Today I know that what I had seen before was not a slum of Syrian asylum seekers <somewhere near Trnávka>, but the "normal dwellings" of Sinti and Roma. A ghetto and this exclusion seems to be common in Slovakia. I had seen Sinti and Roma in the countries before, but in Slovakia it came across as pretty drastic. The comments throughout the week were also unequivocal.
I was also partly amazed at the cost of living, similar to those in Germany. Nothing was as cheap as in the countries before without having something special or new for me. Yes, there are delicatessens, but they get lost in the Tesco, Lidl and Kaufland supermarkets. The inner cities are also flooded with the usual chains.
But there are not many cities, but rather smaller towns, with well-kept older houses, or modern or new houses. I have also seen dachas, i.e. plots of land with a garden or weekend house, by lakes or in the mountains. From simple to chic.
Either there are no old village clerks or I was expecting something wrong. Yes, I had no idea about Slovakia before the trip and afterwards I'm not sure what sticks in my head.
The development of tourism in the country is also well advanced.

Since there wasn't much to see on Spišský hrad <because of construction work>, in addition to 2 mini-exhibitions there were also 2 vouchers which I didn't really know what to do with. One was missing the address and the other <Basilica of St. James, Levoča> was free anyway. At least I liked Levoča a lot

All of this may sound rather negative, but Slovakia also inspired me. The north of Slovakia reminds me of the Bavarian foothills of the Alps. Clean and dignified. An idyll!
The High Tatras resemble the Alps and the Low Tatras resemble a Black Forest with higher mountains or the Allgäu.
But what really surprised me positively was Mala Fatras. A bit off the main routes and more for the Slovak.

A mountain hike through a gorge had been something new for me
But if there was one thing I enjoyed, it was the peace and calmness at lakes, camps or in the mountains. Camping Sedliacky Dvor 👍near Brezno was such a place of maximum relaxation for me